Our chef and shop manager, Joshua, had his first “burgasm” in 2000 while eating a juicy aussie burger at the famous Georges’s Hamburger Shop in Bairnsdale, Down Under. Since then he has collected more than 200 recipes, all of them highly addictive. ENJOY!

Joshua travelled the world for more than a decade, not only collecting recipes but the most precious memories of encounters with people with long food traditions and kind hospitality. Joshua is full of deligthful stories - giving every single Burgasm burger a unique identity. This is how he recalls his first meeting with a mediterranean style burger: “I was doing lonely island hopping in The Mediterranean when I stumbled upon the most hospitable family in Corfu. I was invited to their home for dinner and expected to be served Moussaka or a typical greek dish. I soon found myself in the most amazing backyard, a tiny garden under starry skies. The backyard had an outside wood-burning grill and a round table with rustic chairs. The grill was soon lit and I became aware of how hungry I really was! (Being on a backpacker budget my diet didn’t really include any restaurant visits). I can still close my eyes and remember the taste and the aroma of my very first bite of the home made burger being served. It had my tastebuds run crazy! This burger will always stay among one of my top ten burgers. A roasted pita bread, stuffed with spinach, bell peppers, balsamic cherry tomatoes and an amazing grilled halloumi cheese. A lashing of tzatziki on top of a gourmet burger patty. Needless to say, I was in for a thrill!

This meeting. The friendly invitation to share food with a familiy in a foreign place. The culinary treat. It had me baffled. I won’t forget the words of the greek grandpa: “ The kitchen is the heart of our home. Every meal should be a love song”. And it sure was. The rest is history and in 2016 I landed in Norway and got the opportunity to start Burgasm. I will do my best to serve all the recipes I collected on my yourney to my Norwegian guests, hoping you’re in for a thrill as well. WELCOME!

Josh Herron
Chef and co-founder of Burgasm






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